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CHM initiatives :: BIODIVERSITY.BG

BIODIVERSITY.BG is a domain name, through which the information space related to biodiversity in Bulgaria has been structured. This structuring has been done in order to provide easy to remember and use Internet addresses, each of them corresponding to certain area of biological diversity in the country. Thus through BIODIVERSITY.BG and its sub-domains such as for example specialists.biodiversity.bg, access has been made possible to information about specialists (in the example given), as well as about institutions, organizations, funding, education, protected areas and GIS etc, all related to biodiversity in Bulgaria. The same information sources are available through other web sites over the Internet, but often the addresses of these web sites are difficult to remember and find.

The aim of the above-described initiative is to make the access to Internet based information and its exchange easier.

The main scheme of Internet space structuring and a short description of the information sources are provided below.

Metadata at national level


This application is used for the management of metadata about biodiversity related information at national level.

Metadata at global level


Important contribution of Bulgarian CHM to the global network development is the elaboration of metadata management system for metadata at global level. This product is similar to the meta-tool and meta-database used at national level but it is adapted for use by other countries with established Clearing House Mechanisms.

Geographic information systems



Protected areas geographic information systems in Internet (PAGISI) application makes possible the visualization and analysis of information about protected areas with the aid of Geographic Information Systems (GIS).

Bulgarian Biodiversity Foundation



This is the web site of Bulgarian Biodiversity Foundation. It hosts information about projects, activities, publications and partnerships of BBF.

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