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Business and biodiversity :: Organic agriculture

There is growing worldwide realization that biodiversity is fundamental to agricultural production and food security, as well as a valuable ingredient of environmental conservation. Yet, predominant patterns of agricultural growth have eroded biodiversity in agroecosystems including plant genetic resources, livestock, insects, and soil organisms. This erosion has caused economic losses, jeopardizing productivity and food security, and leading to broader social costs. Equally alarming is the loss of biodiversity in natural habitats from the expansion of agricultural production to frontier areas.
The conflicts between agriculture and biodiversity are by no means inevitable. With sustainable farming practices and changes in agricultural policies and institutions, they can be overcome. Historical evidence and current observations show that biodiversity maintenance must be integrated with agricultural practices a strategy that can have multiple ecological and socioeconomic benefits, particularly to ensure food security. Practices that conserve and enhance agrobiodiversity are necessary at all levels. The sustainable use of rich biological resources is critical for food production, health, and life-support systems.

DG Environment of European Commission - Environment and Agriculture
The task of the agriculture sector in the Environment DG is to pursue the integration of environmental concerns into the Common Agricultural Policy. The relationship between agriculture and the environment is not static. Agriculture has intensified and intensification in turn has increased pressure on the environment. Other changes include marginalisation and the development of both agro-environment measures and organic farming. The desired relationship between agriculture and the environment can be captured by the term "sustainable agriculture". This calls for management of natural resources in a way which ensures that their benefits are also available for the future. The agriculture sector performs its tasks with a view to the protection, preservation and improvement in the quality of water, air and soil, in the abundance of bio-diversity and in preservation and enrichment of the EU landscape.
FiBL – Research Institute of Organic Agriculture

The Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, Frick (Switzerland) and FiBL Germany are leading competence centres for research and consultancy on organic agriculture in Europe

Farming Solutions
Farming Solutions brings examples of successful, environmentally responsible farming systems to life from all over the world, illustrating how farmers can protect the environment while at the same time increasing food supply where it is most needed. The website is jointly created by Greenpeace, Oxfam and ILEA
Organic Agriculture at FAO

The aim of this Website is to offer information on organic agriculture available at FAO. It also functions as a "road map" whereby users are directed to other relevant websites.

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