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Biodivervity in Bulgaria :: BD and climate change

The intense industrial development over the last century particularly in the “developed world” and deforestation processes are considered the major causes for the global warming. The evidence of it nowadays is the increase of the global average temperatures, extreme weather events, change of evaporation and precipitation regimes, droughts, snow cover decline and glacier retreat.

As a response of the international community concerns in regard to the global warming, in 1992 the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change was opened for signature. It was one of three international treaties adopted at the 1992 "Rio Earth Summit." The others - the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Convention to Combat Desertification - involve matters strongly affected by climate change. Climate change affects biodiversity and desertification. The more intense and far-reaching climate change is, the greater will be the loss of plant and animal species and the more dryland and semi-arid terrain around the world will lose vegetation and deteriorate.

The information sources presented below and relating to the climate change and its interrelation with biodiversity are organized in the following modules: International Policy and Legislation; UNEP- WCMC Programme on Climate Change; and Biodiversity and Climate Change Policy in Bulgaria.

UNEP- WCMC Programme on Climate Change

In 1998 WCMC established a Biodiversity and Climate Change Programme. This Programme has been relatively loosely structured, with the intention of being cross-cutting and linking together the many different areas of expertise across the Centre. A number of activities have already been undertaken, with several others ongoing and many more under development.

Being aware that climate change is likely to have considerable impacts on most or all ecosystems, the Programme focuses on the following impacts on biodiversity and ecosystems:

Shifts in distribution of plants and animals

Barriers to movement

Changing patterns of precipitation and evaporation

Rapid changes

Species interaction

Shifting seasons

The coastal margins

Warmer oceans

Chemical effects

Read more about the Programme’s projects and activities:

Water Birds on the Edge 

Forests in Flux 

Changing Oceans 

Temperate and Boreal Forests and Protected Areas Project

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